Iris wallpaper Hero Wars

Iris Guide Hero Wars Alliance

  • Author: Alexandre Domingos. Last updated on: 04/06/2024.
Iris Main Attributes
Main Attributes Details
Position: Mid Lane
Role: Mage
Main Statistic: Intelligence
Faction: Eternity
How to obtain: Events, Heroic Chest
Tier List 2024
Tier List Classification
Hero Tier List: S+
Hydra Tier List: B

Maximizing Iris's Potential and Abilities

Soul Burn

Iris's "Soul Burn" ability allows her to accumulate pure souls whenever any ally or enemy receives a buff. When activated, Iris deals damage to all enemies based on the collected pure souls, eliminating those whose health falls below the execution integrity threshold.

  • Base Damage: 50331
  • Ability Formula: (40% * Magic Attack + Skill Level * 100)
  • Damage per Pure Soul Charge: 5392
  • Execution Integrity Threshold: 37551

Otherworldly Creature

With "Otherworldly Creature," Iris summons Bitey towards the enemy team, piercing their frontline and reducing enemies' magic defense for 5 seconds. Additionally, Bitey extends the duration of any active debuffs, enhancing Iris's crowd control capabilities.

  • Temporary Magic Defense Reduction: 20966
  • Ability Formula: (20% * Magic Attack + Skill Level * 15)
  • Keywords: Debuff

Mysterious Pact

In "Mysterious Pact," Iris becomes immune to debuffs. Moreover, if a debuff or mark is applied to an ally, Iris debuffs them, decreasing their physical and magic attack for 7 seconds.

  • Temporary Physical Attack Reduction: 11,982
  • Temporary Magic Attack Reduction: 11,982
  • Ability Formula: (10% * Magic Attack + (Skill Level + 20) * 20)
  • Keywords: Debuff

Inner Fire

"Iris's Inner Fire" burns enemies inflicted with debuffs, dealing continuous damage. If the debuff is applied by an Eternity faction hero, the fire charge inflicts double damage.

  • Damage per Second per Inner Fire Charge: 5992
  • Ability Formula: (5% * Magic Attack + (Skill Level + 40) * 10)

Iris Buff, Debuff and Marks Table

The table below details which characters can be defeated with Iris's abilities:

Buff, Debuff and Marks Table
Character Debuff Buff Marks
Astrid x x
Corvus x x
Cornelius x x
Dante x x
DarkStar x x
Dorian x
Elmir x
Faceless x
Fafnir x
Iris x
Isaac x
Jet x x
Jhu x
Keira x
Krista x
Lars x
Lilith x x
Martha x
Morrigan x
Mojo x
Nebula x x
Phobos x
Satori x
Sebastian x
Thea x
Tristan x
Yasmine x

By understanding her kit and teaming her up with complementary heroes, players can dominate the meta and emerge victorious in Hero Wars Alliance battles.

Synergies with Iris

With the right allies by her side, Iris becomes a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Particularly effective against teams featuring Satori, the twins Krista and Lars, and Yasmine, Iris's abilities and synergies make her a versatile and powerful hero.

1. Cornelius

Cornelius synergizes exceptionally well with Iris. His ability to apply debuffs on enemies can trigger Iris's Inner Fire, amplifying the damage output against debuffed targets.

2. Phobos

While Phobos may not directly benefit from Iris's debuff-centric abilities, his crowd control capabilities can synergize well with Iris's kit. By controlling the battlefield, Phobos can create opportunities for Iris to apply her debuffs and deal devastating damage.

3. Faceless

Faceless benefits greatly from Iris's ability to reduce enemies' magic defense, enhancing his damage output with magical attacks. Additionally, Iris's debuffs can pave the way for Faceless to unleash powerful abilities, turning the tide of battle in their favor.

4. Corvus and Helios

With the right allies, Iris can become a formidable force, especially against teams featuring Satori, the twins Krista and Lars, and Yasmine. Pairing Iris with Corvus and Helios forms a potent counter to Yasmine's meta teams. Iris's damage, which applies penalties to Yasmine, combined with Corvus's Altar redirecting pure damage to Yasmine's attacks, and Helios's Retribution ability, creates a deadly combo to defeat Yasmine's teams.

Iris Talisman Guide

Iris will gain more magical defense and magical attack stats with the talisman, making her damage more aggressive against her Hero Wars Alliance enemies.

Therefore, with more magical defense and magical attack, Iris will have a lot of resistance against any mage who does not have magical penetration, becoming even stronger against teams of mages twins, Satori and Xe'sha.

Collector's Talisman Attributes
Slot Statistics Maximum Points
0 Intelligence +2000
1 Magic Defense +6000
2 Magic Defense +6000
3 Magic Defense +6000

Positive and Negative Points

Positive Points

  • Strong against Satori and the twins
  • Reduces enemies' attack
  • Reduces enemies' magic defense
  • Immune to debuffs
  • Increases the time of allied debuffs

Negative Points

  • Low defense and health
  • Weak against Amira
  • Weak against Altar of Corvus
  • Very weak against physical attack teams

Stats Evolution Priority

Iris Glyphs Priority

Priority Glyphs
1st Magic Attack
2nd Intelligence
3rd Health
4th Magic Penetration
5th Magic Defense

Iris Artifacts Priorities

Priorities Artifacts Stat Increase
1st Book Magic Attack, Life
2nd Weapon Magic Attack
3rd Ring Intelligence

Iris Skins Priority

Priority Skins
1st Super Skin Magic Attack
2nd Magic Attack
3rd Intelligence
4th Health
5th Armor
Iris with Super Skin in Hero Wars Mobile
Iris with Super Skin, Hero Wars.

Iris vs Hydra

Iris can be used against hydras. Hydras are immune to debuffs, but Iris is also immune to debuffs applied by hydras.

  • Hydras that cause debuffs: Fire; Darkness; Light.

Iris in Battles

Strong Against

  • Krista - Lars - Jet - Dante - Faceless - Cornelius - Isaac - Phobos - Lilith - Satori - Yasmine - Dorian - Thea - Mojo - DarkStar - Corvus(needs Dorian's vampirism)


  • Octavia - Corvus - Amira - Celeste - Nebula - Rufus - Satori(needs Celeste) - Fafnir - Phobos

Guide: Best Teams with Iris

1. Octavia, Iris, Morrigan, Dante, Corvus

A balanced team that combines crowd control, damage, and support. Octavia and Dante provide physical damage, while Morrigan and Corvus offer healing and control. Iris contributes healing and protection, keeping the team healthy during combat.

2. Octavia, Iris, Nebula, Dante, Corvus

This team focuses on maximizing Iris's magical damage, with Nebula boosting Iris and Dante's attack power. Octavia provides support with dodge, while Corvus adds crowd control and damage.

3. Octavia, Lian, Iris, Nebula, Dante

An offensive team that focuses on dealing fast physical damage. Lian and Iris lead the attack, while Nebula increases their damage output. Octavia provides support with evasion, making the team more resilient during battles.

4. Phobos, Faceless, Iris, Morrigan, Corvus

This team combines crowd control and magical damage. Phobos and Faceless keep enemies under control, while Morrigan and Corvus protect the team. Iris offers additional damage, making the team overpowered.

5. Phobos, Cornelius, Iris, Morrigan, Corvus

A team focused on magical damage, leveraging Phobos and Iris's abilities. Cornelius and Corvus provide crowd control, while Morrigan offers support with healing and protection.

6. Dorian, Phobos, Iris, Morrigan, Corvus

This team is especially resilient, with Dorian providing additional healing with vampirism. Phobos and Corvus keep enemies under control, while Iris deals significant damage. Morrigan contributes healing and protection.

7. Dorian, Iris, Morrigan, Dante, Corvus

A balanced team that combines damage, control, and support. Dorian offers additional healing and physical damage boost, while Iris and Dante wreak havoc on enemies. Morrigan keeps the team healthy during combat, and Corvus adds crowd control and damage.

8. Fafnir, Iris, Morrigan, Keira, Corvus

This team focuses on physical and magical damage, with Iris and Keira leading the attack. Morrigan provides support with healing and protection, while Morrigan and Corvus offer magical damage and control.

9. Phobos, Iris, Morrigan, Dante, Corvus

An aggressive team that focuses on dealing fast damage and controlling the battlefield. Phobos and Corvus keep enemies under control, allowing Iris and Dante to wreak havoc. Morrigan offers additional support, keeping the team healthy.

10. Iris, Morrigan, Keira, Dante, Corvus

This team has a strong focus on physical damage, with Keira and Dante leading the attack. Morrigan provides support with healing and protection, while Morrigan and Corvus offer damage and control.

Remember that the effectiveness of these compositions may vary depending on the level of development of the heroes, specific abilities, and battle conditions. Experiment with different combinations and adjust your strategy as needed to find the team that best suits your playstyle and the situations you face.

Conclusion of the Iris Guide

Iris is a formidable heroine with unique abilities that make her a valuable addition to any team in Hero Wars Alliance. With her abilities to deal continuous damage, debuff enemies, and strengthen allies, Iris plays a crucial role in turning the tide of battles in your favor.

By maximizing Iris's potential and exploring her synergies with other heroes, players can create effective strategies to tackle a variety of challenges in the game. Whether facing meta teams like those led by Satori, Krista and Lars, and Yasmine, or finding ways to enhance her attacks against debuffed enemies, Iris stands out as a versatile and powerful choice.

Understanding her abilities and learning to use them in conjunction with the right allies is key to unlocking Iris's full potential and achieving victory in Hero Wars Alliance. Therefore, this guide aims to offer valuable insights and practical strategies to help players master the battlefield and emerge as true champions.

Video suggestion

Video: Iris Guide Hero Wars.

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